Zip Wall ZipDoor Standard or X-Large

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ZipWall ZipDoor Standard (ZZD47) or X-Large (ZZD58)

The new ZipDoor kit is the perfect way to create a dust barrier when all you need to seal is the doorway. With its built in double-sided tape feature one person can easily install it in under a minute.

ZipDoor comes in two sizes. Standard for small home jobs and X-Large for commercial applications with flame retardant sheeting.

(Please be aware of recent size changes, both Kits have gotten slightly larger than previous ones)

Kits Include:

ZipDoor Standard kit includes 1 Heavy Duty ZipDoor sheet (1219mm x 2286mm) with 2 Premium Zippers pre-installed and 1 roll of special Lo-Hi Tack double-sided Tape for mounting.


ZipDoor X-Large kit includes 1 Fire retardant heavy duty ZipDoor sheet (1524mm x 2438mm) with 2 Premium Zipper pre-installed and 1 roll of special Lo-Hi Tack double-sided Tape for mounting.


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